
8th February 2011

Delayed upload of Day 4 blog from Swampoodle Development we

IN WHICH THE SWAMPOODLE ACTORS ARE AWESOME We’ve reached the midway point of our week-long process, and morning has flown into afternoon into evening into the […]
15th January 2011


I’ve been dreading this moment for a while now, my goodbye to The Performance Corporation. I have now tied up the Swampoodle development week, set up […]
12th January 2011

The Swampoodle actors prove their mettle on the imagination gridiron

Day 3 through the eyes and pen of Jason McCool – full post and photos on his own travel blog. It’s hard to believe I’m already […]
11th January 2011

Our process is off to a thrilling start.

Jason McCool on first day of development – taken from his travel blog: I knew I’d be overestimating the likelihood of my waking up early enough […]
10th January 2011

Full house for Swampoodle development

Happy New Year everyone! We have kicked off 2011 with development of Swampoodle – a co-production between ourselves and our DC friends Solas Nua. It is […]
22nd December 2010

Sunday Times and Irish Theatre Mag picks of the year for Slattery’s Sago Saga

http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/ireland/_culture/arts/article481841.ece “The pick of the bunch, though, was a play that seemed to take itself less seriously. The unfinished and largely forgotten novel Slattery’s Sago Saga […]
13th November 2010

Runing through

Slattery’s Sago Saga dress run-through before setting off on National Tour!
6th September 2010

Power Point on Radio Moreeni

Click on the image to listen to an interview with Jo Mangan for Radio Moreeni, Tampere. Starts off in Finnish..
21st August 2010

Spilt Gin and their love affair with the 67A

The 67A bus stop on Westmorland St. is one of my new favourites. Waiting for the bus out to Castletown House with the cast of Soh […]