Theatrical Espresso

19th July 2010

The Greatest Story Flann Never Told – Colin Murphy in the Irish Independent on Slattery’s Sago Saga

18th February 2010


17th February 2010

GAA! – Hurling at Farragut Square Theatrical Espresso 2

16th February 2010

KISS USA – photos

Did you miss all the sweetness? Check out the VIDEO.
14th February 2010

Theatrical Espresso Revealed

Hello! The first of our Espressos is happening today in Washington DC. Our performers are arriving for rehearsals as we speak and we are gearing up […]
8th February 2010

Double Brew

If this is not your first time here, you probably know that this week, The Performance Corporation is heading over the water to work with our […]
17th January 2010

New Year – New Message

Happy New Year everybody! Above is a photo from my time off – christmassy Old Town Square in Prague. Coming back from the holidays was not […]
21st May 2009

White Out – Allianz Business to Arts Awards 2009

White Out The tale of the other side… For those of you who know my work, I am the Project Coordinator for The Performance Corporation, which […]
13th May 2009

White Out

The Performance Corporation is delighted to be able to invite back two of The SPACE Programme participants to further develop work explored on this year’s residency…  […]