
21st August 2010

Spilt Gin and their love affair with the 67A

The 67A bus stop on Westmorland St. is one of my new favourites. Waiting for the bus out to Castletown House with the cast of Soh […]
30th October 2009

Project X Athy

The performance of Cool Fresh Milk in the Light House cinema is not fully put to sleep yet (thank you to all those who came to […]
4th March 2009

Irish Times Irish Theatre Awards

Kevin Treacy won Best Lighting Design at the awards ceremony on March 1st for his work on The Performance Corporation’s The Nose by Tom Swift (based on […]
25th November 2008

The Video

A small slice of The Nose for your delectation. It’s been put to bed for now….”it’s resting” (an in joke line from the play – sorry!)  […]
20th November 2008


I’m at home today, trying to sync up my life post The Nose. The Nose is still running of course, but as the terror of whether […]
16th November 2008

The Nose, reeling in the critics!

CRITICAL ACCLAIM FOR THE NOSE @ Project Arts Centre until Saturday 22nd Nov only! “Inspired presentation of supremely high quality with dazzling production values… It’s a […]