Irish theatre

17th August 2009

Listen to This!

For your aural pleasure we have a snippet from business guru Jack Power from the upcoming conference! Click the links below to hear… Power Point Panic […]
17th August 2009

Great 1st week

No pressure (lots), because we finished a great first week of rehearsals with everyone clapping on Friday. Really creative stuff from our cast in the afternoon […]
12th August 2009

Power Point

9th August 2009

Can you guess?

Only one more sleep to the big beginning. ‘Of what??’ I hear you ask. Well I still can’t say, but all details will be revealed soon. […]
4th August 2009

Chocolate Chip Preparation

The truth…although I’ve come away to focus on prepping for the next big Perf Corp gig, (which we can tell you about shortly), I find myself doing […]
29th July 2009

Filling the shoes

The big blue yonder has wooed Kelly away from the Irish weather and I have inherited her desk, some pens, the filing cabinet and a pair […]
24th July 2009


I shouldn’t have waited until today to write this, emotions are a little high and I may come across exceptionally sentimental and cheesy. Irene has been […]
22nd July 2009


So we just had 2 development days with actors and designers for our new show that culminated with a run of the show. After 2 days! […]
3rd July 2009

Cool Fresh Milk in Berlin

While myself and Irene are in the office preparing for auditions next week, the other half of the company are in Berlin preparing for a show. […]