“Irene O’Mara”

14th August 2009

“Please try not to mention the very large Python outside the shop.”

A haze of scripts, costume & make up sketches, introductions, hand shakes, air-kisses, marketing packs, pleading phone calls, internet research, individually wrapped biscuits and coffee, lots […]
9th August 2009

Can you guess?

Only one more sleep to the big beginning. ‘Of what??’ I hear you ask. Well I still can’t say, but all details will be revealed soon. […]
7th August 2009

Getting close

All of us in The Performance Corporation are geared up to the rehearsals of our new show. That’s what this week was all about. While Jo […]
29th July 2009

Filling the shoes

The big blue yonder has wooed Kelly away from the Irish weather and I have inherited her desk, some pens, the filing cabinet and a pair […]
21st July 2009

Web 2.0

I’m sitting here in the room with our new show team.  Just demonstrating the how to’s of blogging for our next show. Watch this space for […]
21st June 2009

Cork, York and Berlin

Cork, York and Berlin
6th March 2009

Simply SPACE

Simply SPACE  As part of The Performance Corporation’s continued commitment to creating space for professional artists, we have secured additional space at Castletown House for artists to work. This programme […]
20th February 2009

Where are we?

Hello! Apologies for my absence from the blogging world for the last few months.  We have been busy planning an exciting year of events for PerfCorp […]