
30th July 2010

What our audiences said about Slattery’s Sago Saga

Click on the picture to hear what our audiences said about Slattery’s Sago Saga:
22nd July 2010

Slattery’s Sago Saga is so cool it is Le Cool!

8th July 2010

Running through

Last week the cast of Slattery’s Sago Saga (Malcolm Adams, Clare Barrett, Darragh Kelly, Lisa Lambe, Louis Lovett) did a first run-through in Rathfarnham Castle.  No […]
5th May 2010

SPACE Production Award – Apply Now

The Performance Corporation SPACE Production Award Exciting news! The Performance Corporation is offering production support for up to three projects programmed in this year’s Absolut Fringe. […]
17th January 2010

New Year – New Message

Happy New Year everybody! Above is a photo from my time off – christmassy Old Town Square in Prague. Coming back from the holidays was not […]
24th September 2009

Next, please!

Power Point has been put to sleep (i.e. to the shed), but I have very little time to be nostalgic. Apart from wrapping up, we are […]
2nd September 2009

Tech Session 1 of 2

So. Here we are in the venue, with the set, lights, sound and visuals running & actors on stage in costume.  The creative team are sitting […]
9th August 2009

Can you guess?

Only one more sleep to the big beginning. ‘Of what??’ I hear you ask. Well I still can’t say, but all details will be revealed soon. […]
25th November 2008

The Video

A small slice of The Nose for your delectation. It’s been put to bed for now….”it’s resting” (an in joke line from the play – sorry!)  […]