In flight entertainment has ceased, baggage has been reclaimed, weather climate has changed dramatically and five hours have disappeared! The Performance Corporation have touched down in Washington DC for their next theatrical adventure to begin! With wardrobe and producers to arrive on Monday and Tuesday there is an overwhelming sense of excitement about the world premiere of SWAMPOODLE to enter its rehearsal stages.
With such an exquisite venue known as The Uline Area (later the Washington Colinseum) it’s hard not to feel inspired on entering the space. Each corner embellished with captivating historical accounts. Built in 1941 it was the original home to DC’S early hockey and basketball teams while also being the first venue to host a Beatles concert. Through time, the Uline has welcomed various artistic entertainment from Ballets to Circuses while also playing host to some of the biggest names in the entertainment world such as The Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan.
Today the building acts as an indoor parking facility…..Until now that is! The inspiration for the title SWAMPOODLE came from the Irish Neighbourhood which existed in the late 1800s and early 1900s in the residential area that is now situated in the heart of the Uline area.
An exciting process lies ahead as we collaborate with DC’s Solas Nua- home to the only organization in the United States dedicated exclusively to contemporary Irish Arts. With a US and Irish production, performing and design team an exciting process lies ahead for all involved. With metro maps in our pockets, smart cards charged up, sweats on, yoga mats packed and starbucks to kick-start each day- it’s off to rehearsals we go………
Stay tuned for updates on our SWAMPVENUTURE!
(Collette Haverty)