For the second year running, Jo Mangan and myself attended this wonderful conference in York, run by Pilot Theatre company. They did not disappoint. My brain is still spinning with ideas and inspiration.
The conference this year was run over two days, filled with speakers and more ideas that you had room to fit in your notebook. Check out there ‘NING’ community to see all the details or Pilot Theatre website for a breakdown of the speakers.
The highlights for me were: – a wonderful meld of music and live graphics – a wonderful company that can explain much better than I can the web 2.0 developments that we need to pay attention to.
FriiSpray – a lovely little invention (open source) – because we in the Arts definitely need to. – a company that uses the wonderful world of online 3D to make collaboration global!!
If you are not already you should be tweeting, get on TWITTER. You can follow us @PerformanceCorp
Ideas and nice quotes that arose:
Concepts of play – a way of being, a design theme and a means to creativity, – are essential to understanding how culture will develop in the 21st century.
If you’re aren’t aware how fast the web is moving forward: Shift Happens a nice and scary little video
A show begins from the first moment you hear about it and finishes when you stop thinkging about it. – how do you engage with your audience more with this in mind?
Make a mess online – click on buttons.
Document and evaluate your process – online and offlne.