
11th August 2009

Competition – What’s it all about?

What IS it all about? We hear you asking. Well we still can’t say, but all details will be revealed soon. But how about a competition […]
29th July 2009

Filling the shoes

The big blue yonder has wooed Kelly away from the Irish weather and I have inherited her desk, some pens, the filing cabinet and a pair […]
24th July 2009


I shouldn’t have waited until today to write this, emotions are a little high and I may come across exceptionally sentimental and cheesy. Irene has been […]
22nd July 2009


So we just had 2 development days with actors and designers for our new show that culminated with a run of the show. After 2 days! […]
21st July 2009

Web 2.0

I’m sitting here in the room with our new show team.  Just demonstrating the how to’s of blogging for our next show. Watch this space for […]
2nd July 2009

Shift Happened

For the second year running, Jo Mangan and myself attended this wonderful conference in York, run by Pilot Theatre company.  They did not disappoint.  My brain […]
21st June 2009

Cork, York and Berlin

Cork, York and Berlin
17th June 2009

Shift Happens

Hello! We hope you are enjoying our new website, as we have been carefully rebuilding it over the last few months, so that works better for […]
9th October 2008

The Nose Project Arts Centre 7-22 November

Info Booking (+353 1) 881 9613/14 It really is hard to get ahead without a nose. And it makes things even tougher when the nose […]