16th October 2008
9th October 2008
Info http://www.project.ie/cgi-bin/eventdetail.pl?id=751 Booking (+353 1) 881 9613/14 It really is hard to get ahead without a nose. And it makes things even tougher when the nose […]
9th October 2008
So I’ve been cajoled and coerced into blogging. It seemed like such a great idea a few weeks ago when we weren’t in the thick of […]
9th October 2008
Why are people smiling? It must be our Kiss video. The response has been incredible and it seems to have made a lot of people smile […]
8th October 2008
7th October 2008
I know it’s crazy, but I feel strangely sad. I’ve just given my baby up for adoption. After a prolonged and difficult pregnancy of three years, […]
3rd October 2008
So, I thought it was a great idea to schedule a “secret show” for the Dublin Theatre Festival 2 days before rehearsals! Strangely I think it […]