16th October 2009

A place for everything and everything in its place

Phew! We’ve reached the end of our long run through Power Point at the Absolut Fringe and Cool Fresh Milk at the Darklight Festival.  We are […]
8th October 2009

Darklight Festival – What is it?

So… In case you didn’t know, we’re performing Cool Fresh Milk at the Light House Cinema this Friday, as part of Darklight Festival. What is the […]
24th September 2009

Next, please!

Power Point has been put to sleep (i.e. to the shed), but I have very little time to be nostalgic. Apart from wrapping up, we are […]
22nd September 2009

Three days ago..

Clare, Alan, Lisa and Hilary took their last curtain call; Jo had final notes; Tom’s script was alive for one more night; I welcomed the last […]
15th September 2009

Please register here for the conference

Power Point is heading into its last four days in the Absolut Fringe 2009. I am the producer and this is my first gig with The […]
8th September 2009

End Point

And so for me the Power Point journey is over and to sum it up in the key points: Business is about overhead projectors Business is […]
6th September 2009

Theatrical Flu

I think I’m coming down with something. I don’t think it’s serious, but I may be suffering from mild strain of theatrical flu. Hi, I’m Tom […]
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